Checking for Comprehension
Check for comprehension of the content. You can do this by asking questions or encouraging participants to provide some examples.
After giving an assignment, walk around the room to be sure that they understand and are working on the correct assignment.
Check with the participants occasionally- either in the large group, by talking with individuals during the break, or dip-sticking the small groups- to be sure that the pace is comfortable and everyone is on the same page with you.
Debriefing Exercises
It is important to have the individual or group representatives report out after they have completed an exercise. Otherwise, they will not have any sense of closure.
Draw out the correct or more complete answers from the group, so that when you tell them the correct answer, it will simply validate what they have identified. Remember that we want to build their confidence in their own competence!
To ensure variety of report out methods, here are a few to draw from:
Thumbs up if you agree, thumbs down if you don't.
Can someone tell us the answer to question x? [call for a volunteer.] Then ask the participants to raise their hands if they agree- if they disagree. Call on one of the dissenters for his or her response. Ask the group to identify the correct response. Or tell them yourself.
Have one table group report their answer. Ask if any other groups have something different or something to add.
If more than one table group worked on the same case study, alternate between them in answering the different questions relating to the case study.
Move from one table group to another to answer different questions.
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