s we have considered in the past two Tips, adult learning principles are applied through the use of specific techniques in the classroom. These techniques are based upon decisions that the instructors make about what will be taught and how it will be taught. It is possible to determine the probability of learning in the classroom by evaluating these decisions, which fall into three discrete categories:
Content: What content to cover in the class.
Learner Activities: What the learner will do to learn and to demonstrate that learning has occurred.
Learning Facilitation: What the instructor will do to facilitate the acquisition of that learning through stand up presentation and group facilitation.
There are five training best practices that fall within these three categories. Today, we will consider the application of the first two training best practices that relate to Content decisions: Application of Training Best Practices: Content Decisions
Lesson Plan
There are learning objectives.
The learning objectives are specific, observable and measurable.
The desired learning levels are identified.
There is a variety of training methods.
Content Decisions
There is a clear focus on key content.
There is an organizing principle.
Interesting but unimportant content is kept to a minimum.
There is an appropriate amount of content for the time period.
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