4. <http://www.mylivesignature.com> to create a digital signature
It is not a good idea to use your "real" signature as an image online because that makes it easy for someone to copy and paste it into any document and potentially make you liable for things without your knowledge. According to Donna Gunter, you can create an attractive font signature with My Live Signature. You can choose to set up a no-cost account where you can store your signature images, or just create an image on the fly. You also have the option of an animated (for a fee) or a static (no charge) signature.
5. <http://www.tripsketch.com> for a no-cost online trip planner
This site is perfect if you want to take advantage of local cultural activities or find restaurants while you are in a city for a short period of time. It also lists airport services for times when you have a short layover. According to Tresa Eyres, you can plan whole vacations covering one or multiple destinations. The site information includes attractions by interest, location, opening hours, costs, "green" pass times, and more. In addition, there is a travel calculator and the capability to share your itinerary with others.
6. <http://www.regus.com> for big business services on a budget
If you would like a high-end location to hold a workshop and want to avoid using a hotel, this site is very useful. They offer boardrooms and meeting rooms for 8-100 participants by the hour through a full-day in high-end business buildings across the globe that are very affordable. You can also establish a "virtual" business identity in these buildings for safety/security/image. They have packages ranging from mail forwarding through answering inbound calls with your company name. According to Sam Palazzolo, if you call and tell them your offer code is "satellite," they'll give you $500 worth of credit towards their services. Some packages include use of an actual office as well as discounts on board/meeting rooms.
7. <http://www.speakernetnews.com> for useful ideas.
If you are a professional speaker, a consultant, a trainer, or an author, I strongly recommend that you check out this site and subscribe to the free weekly newsletter. The newsletter is brief and packed with miscellaneous, travel and technology tips submitted by their over 9,000 readers. There is also a Topic of the Week section that enables readers to pose professional questions for reader response.
Thank you, Donna, Tresa, Sam, and SpeakerNet News.
This concludes our discussion of wonderful websites. However, if you know of other sites that might be useful, please let us know and we'll publish them in the next Tip.
Next week, we will begin a look at resources to help folks who are considering making a career switch.
May your learning be sweet.
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